The Kentucky Department of Agriculture is addressing the testing, certification and licensure of all pesticide operators and applicators in the following manner.

January 4, 2024 UPDATE: All testing times are local and pre-registration is still required for all testing sites.


  • You MUST PRE-REGISTER for an assigned testing date and time. NO WALK-INS WILL BE PERMITTED.  In order to register for an assigned testing date and time, please click here.
    Testing fee is $25.00. You may pay this fee on-line or in-person with a check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer. This fee is non-refundable. 
  • To maintain compliance with CDC guidelines on social distancing, supervision of trainees will be subject to the following provision: 

    “Unless otherwise prescribed by its labeling, a pesticide shall be considered to be applied under the direct supervision of a certified applicator if it is applied by a competent person acting under the instructions and control of a certified applicator who is available if and when needed, even though such certified applicator is not physically present at the time and place the pesticide is applied.”

  • If you or a member of your staff is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms DO NOT come to the testing location. Please call the Division of Environmental Services at (502-573-0282) and we will work with you on rescheduling your test.


  • Training for new private applicator licenses will be handled by the University of Kentucky’s Department of Entomology through remote methods. 

UPDATE: KDA statement on pesticide license requirements for use of EPA designated general use public health products for routine cleaning and sanitation. Click here to see statement.

These measures will remain in effect until further notice. Please direct any questions to the Division of Environmental Services by calling (502) 573-0282.