In response to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Dairy Cattle, and under the authority granted to the Kentucky State Veterinarian pursuant to 302 KAR 20:040 sec. 1(4) to impose additional requirements for the entry of livestock to prevent the introduction or spread of disease, the Kentucky Office of State Veterinarian requires that all lactating dairy cattle being exhibited must have a negative HPAI test result, performed by an accredited veterinarian and submitted to a NAHLN lab, within seven days of arrival at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE). These results must be recorded on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI).
In addition, any dairy cattle arriving from an affected HPAI state will require a permit from the Kentucky Office of State Veterinarian. A current list of the affected states and a link to the permitting process, is available on the Kentucky Office of State Veterinarian website at /statevet/.
To find this year's NAILE Animal health information, please view in the right hand side's "Forms and Documents."
All Swine coming from out of state, including those for exhibition purposes, must have a unique permit number to be entered on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. Import Permits can be obtained by calling the Kentucky Office of State Veterinarian at (502) 573-0282.
All Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Sheep, and Goats entering Kentucky from Michigan must call for a unique permit number and additional requirements.
All Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Sheep, and Goats entering Kentucky for exhibition must have USDA Official Identification and be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days prior to entry.
All Kentucky Origin Swine shall be individually identified with USDA Official Identification on a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
All Kentucky origin cattle, sheep, and goats for exhibition shall be individually identified with USDA Official Identification on a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection written within the current calendar year--January 1 through December 31, [current year].
Livestock exhibiting signs of any infectious, contagious, or communicable disease, such as, but not limited to, warts, ringworm, pinkeye, or foot rot ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for exhibition and will be refused entry.
The Kentucky Department of Agriculture is cooperating with USDA on improving the traceability of US livestock moving interstate when animal disease events take place. Currently, all livestock 18 months or older sold at a Kentucky approved livestock market must be identified to the farm of origin.
Under the proposed rule, unless specifically exempted, livestock moved interstate would have to be officially identified and accompanied by an interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection or other documentation, such as owner-shipper statements or brand certificates. The proposed rule encourages the use of low-cost technology and specifies approved forms of official identification for each species, such as metal ear tags for cattle. However, recognizing the importance and prevalence of other identifications in certain regions, shipping and receiving states or tribes are permitted to agree upon alternative forms of identification, such as brands or tattoos.
FOR ALL EXHIBITORS IN KENTUCKY: Please note that 302 KAR 20:065, Section 2 (3) (c) states that 'Cattle or other bovine species infected with warts, ringworm, or any other communicable disease shall not be eligible for exhibition'.
302 KAR 20:040. Entry into Kentucky.
Please refer to the right side of this page for the 'I Want To Move Into KY' block. Choose your species/purpose of entry for simplified requirements for entry into the State of Kentucky. If you are traveling through Kentucky with no planned stops, we will accept your destination state's entry requirements.
Please visit the USDA website to acquire more information about each state's animal transport regulations as well as international animal transport regulations. For interstate animal movement requirements to several states, please visit
The Office of State Veterinarian will no longer issue small animal certificates of veterinary inspection. The USDA APHIS Form 7001 is available as a fillable PDF form at Note: Many states are no longer accepting the USDA APHIS form 7001 for interstate travel of small animals as it is easily downloadable off the internet and does not contain a unique, traceable identifying number. Because of some fraudulent use, the form has come under scrutiny and is being denied by a growing number of states. Accredited veterinarians are encouraged to check with the destination state to determine what forms are accepted. As an alternative to the APHIS Form 7001, accredited practitioners can use an electronic Certificate of Veterinary Inspection available through a number of providers. Currently, the following eCVI providers are available for Kentucky veterinarians:
Accredited veterinarians can use either option 1 or 2 for livestock Import Permits.
1. Veterinarians can use the Online Permitting System to obtain an Import Permit.
2. Import Permits can also be obtained by calling the Kentucky Office of State Veterinarian at (502) 573-0282. Be advised that cervid permits may require additional processing time and information.
3. Some exotic animals may also require a Kentucky Fish & Wildlife transportation permit. Please contact the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources at (800) 858-1549. Click here for a list of PROHIBITED SPECIES or to be directed to the KDFW website.
The following types of Official ID are accepted in Kentucky:
- Animal Identification Number (AIN) tag: 840 prefix or other country code 15-digit tag (this includes EID/RFID button tags, visual non-RFID panel tags, RFID panel tags, matched pair visual/RFID tag set, Industry "Logo" tags [must be 840], Ultra High Frequency (UHF) tags)
- National Uniform Eartagging System (NUES) metal tag: State code prefix, two/three alpha, four-digit serial tags (commonly referred to as "Silver" or "Brite" tags) used for program disease testing, interstate movement, or change of ownership
- Brucellosis Vaccination metal tag: similar to the NUES tag, but orange to indicate that the animal has been Calfhood vaccinated for Brucellosis
- Scrapie Flock tag: white plastic panel tag with flock ID, metal serial tag with flock ID, or metal serial tag distributed by our office
- Swine Premises Identification Number (PIN) tag: plastic tag used for slaughter swine
- Other form of identification not mentioned, as long as it is printed with an Official US Shield
- Registration Tattoo, with official breed registry papers (This is an acceptable ID within Kentucky, but the show/exhibition you're attending may not accept this.)
- NO LONGER ACCEPTED: 900 & USA prefix series manufacturer tag, unless it was placed on an animal before March 11, 2015
For a detailed list of criteria and options for Official ID that follow the national framework of Animal Disease Traceability, click here.
302 KAR 20:065. Sale and exhibition of Kentucky origin animals in Kentucky.
For animals that are traveling within the State of Kentucky for exhibition, they should have an Official ID listed on a current calendar year Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI). If you plan to attend multiple shows throughout the year, a generic destination of 'Kentucky Shows & Fairs' is acceptable for Kentucky origin animals, and those CVIs will remain valid until December 31st of the current year, with the exception of Equine (see below). However, CVIs written with a specific destination listed or for a change of ownership are only valid for 30 days and will be void upon arrival at that destination. A CVI written for exhibition purposes shall be void upon change of ownership of the listed animal(s).
Equine CVIs are valid until the Coggins test has expired or one year from the last test date (i.e. If your Coggins test was on March 1st this year, and your CVI was written on April 10th this year, your Coggins and CVI will both expire on March 1st next year. However, if your Coggins test was completed after your CVI was written, your CVI will expire one year from the date it was signed by an accredited veterinarian.).
Please contact your exhibitor directly for additional requirements. Many shows require testing for your animals or require a specific form of identification.
If you have questions about movement for other purposes within the Commonwealth, please call our office at (502) 573-0282.
While the State of Kentucky does not recognize a brand as an official ID, the Department of Agriculture provides a statewide registry of brands that is published in accordance with state law, KRS Chapter 253. All registered brands with the Department will take precedence over similar, but unregistered, brands where questions of ownership occur. An owner whose brand does not appear in the state registry shall produce evidence to establish his/her title to the property in the event of disagreement. Brands, under Kentucky law, may now assume personal property status. Agriculture is Kentucky's number one industry. Because livestock is a vital component of Kentucky's agriculture, it is imperative that measures, such as branding and animal identification, be taken to safeguard against livestock theft, loss, or dispute.
To register your brand, please submit a notarized Brand Application along with a ten-dollar ($10.00) check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer. At the time of submittal, your brand is registered with our office for five (5) years. Prior to the brand's expiry, the Department will notify you with the proper renewal forms. To continue your registration for the ensuing five (5) year period, complete and return the renewal paperwork and submit a re-registration fee of five dollars ($5.00).
Our office is motivated to offer four electronic Certificate of Veterinarian Inspection (CVI) services to Kentucky Accredited Veterinarians. All electronic CVI options can be signed and submitted electronically, eliminating the need to mail a paper copy of completed electronic CVIs. The needs of your clients and capabilities of your clinic will help you decide which electronic CVI is the best fit for you.
VET CVI is a new electronic CVI that is free of charge and can be used for both large and small animal CVIs. The VET CVI app can be downloaded on your phone for both IOS and Android or can be accessed through the Windows app store to be downloaded on your computer. It is an easy-to-use option for all Kentucky Licensed Veterinarians.
- Easy to use and free.
- Able to create or modify custom statements from the account screen.
- For both large and small animal CVIs.
- Ability to add Test/Accession information.
- Immediate submission to State Animal Health Officials.
Download VET CVI on IOS, Android, or Windows devices:
Veterinary Services Process Streamlining (VSPS)
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers a web-based system that is free. It requires internet connectivity to fill out and submit certificates, and it requires a log-in. This system can only be used for the following large animal species: alpaca, bison, bovine, caprine, cervidae, equine, llama, ovine, and porcine. Veterinarians must have a level 2 USDA eAuthentication to use this service.
- Request Level 2 USDA eAuthentication
- Import large volumes of animal IDs and animal info electronically via a spreadsheet file
- FREE online Coggins submission for EIA
- Accredited veterinarians and laboratories can add test results
- Create and save certificate templates for future use
- Issued certificates can be saved, then edited, for future use
- Add vaccination info rapidly
- The quick-copy auto-fill feature enables multiple animals to be added rapidly
GlobalVetLINK (GVL)
- GVL's electronic CVI is an online, fee-based service that requires access to the internet to create, manage, and submit CVIs.
- Coggins (EIA) certificates (EquusLINK)
- Storage and retrieval of lab results (LabLINK)
- Veterinary Feed Directives (eVFDs)
- Certificate retrieval for clients through
- For a complete listing and samples of GlobalVetLINK Products, visit:
- For more information on GlobalVetLINK's sister-site, MyVetLINK, visit:
- For YouTube videos on GlobalVetLINK products, visit:
VetSentry's electronic CVI is an online, fee-based service that requires access to the internet to create, manage, and submit CVIs.
- Coggins forms
- Clerk Feature: Have an office staff member fill out and complete your eCVIs and place them in your private "HOLD" queue. You can then log in and submit your previously filled out eCVIs.
- eCVI Revisions: If you need to revise a previously completed eCVI, you can now revise an eCVI as all versions of the eCVI are kept on file.
- On Hold queue: Starting and finishing an eCVI is easy. If you get interrupted, you can now place your eCVI "On Hold" and finish it at a later time.