Unlock your potential with grants from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA). Empowering your vision and initiatives, these state-funded opportunities, either directly provided or in collaboration with KDA partners, pave the way for innovation and progress. Explore our grants today and turn your aspirations into reality!


Local Food for Schools (LFS)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) LFS Cooperative Agreement funds the purchase, storage, and distribution of local foods to schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. Nearly 90 school districts in Kentucky have received funding through this grant. Discover funding solutions - click to get involved!

Local Food Purchase Assistance (LFPA)

USDA’s LFPA Cooperative Agreement buys local food at fair market value and distributes it to food-insecure populations. This is not an infrastructure or equipment grant; funds are used to purchase, pack, store, and distribute food. Kentucky’s partners are actively purchasing food now. Funding awaits - cick here to get involved!.


Kentucky Animal Control Board

Transforming lives, one paw at a time! Discover our Animal Shelter Grants on the Kentucky Spay and Neuter website. The grants are designed to support and uplift the incredible work of Kentucky animal shelters. With funding opportunities tailored to enhance animal welfare, medical care, facility improvements, and community outreach, our grants empower you to create a haven for our furry friends. Let's work together to make tails wag and hearts purr. Apply now and be the change in their world!


Veterinary Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP)

VMLRP is a nationally competitive opportunity for qualified veterinarians to reduce their educational debt. Veterinarians agree to provide their services for three years in designated areas throughout the U.S. and its insular areas. For more information on The Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program.


    Direct Farm Marketing Division
  • Farm to Fork - This Kentucky Proud program partners with local organizations to increase awareness of Kentucky Proud foods and benefit a charity in their community.

  • Education & Outreach Division
  • Raising Hope - This new program focuses on improving the mental and physical health of agricultural producers. It is a partnership of KDA, state universities, and the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. The campaign is supported by appropriations from the General Assembly.

  • Grants & Funding
  • Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) program - KDA was awarded $8.6 million from USDA for RFSI. The money, which will be provided through a competitive grant process, is part of an overall $420 million the USDA committed to states to build resilience in the middle of the supply chain and strengthen local and regional food systems by creating new revenue streams for producers. Empower your vision - click for grant opportunities!

  • Kentucky Proud Division
  • Buy Local - Kentucky Proud restaurants, foodservice institutions, schools, and hospitals may be eligible to receive reimbursement incentives for the purchase of source-verified food grown or raised in Kentucky. Kentucky Proud distributors who enroll in the program and help these participants access more local ingredients can also receive benefits.
  • KY Proud Promotional Grant - Kentucky Proud members who have direct Kentucky farm impact may be eligible to receive up to 50 percent reimbursement for eligible advertising and marketing expenses.

  • Plant Division
  • Farmer Appreciation Grant - KDA was recently awarded a Farm and Ranch Staff Assistance Network (FRSAN) Grant from USDA. Part of the grant is to award projects that support community-based farmer appreciation programs that will promote the many contributions of farmers and their families, and to appreciate the various challenges farmers face working in agriculture.
  • Organic Cost Share - KDA is accredited by the USDA’s National Organic Program as a certifying agent for crops, wild crops, livestock, and handling operations. KDA currently certifies only entities located in Kentucky.
  • Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) - This program provides USDA grants to states to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops. SCBGP was authorized on Dec. 21, 2004, by Section 101 of the federal Specialty Crops Competitiveness Act of 2004.

  • Shows and Fairs Division
  • County Fair Grant - The Kentucky State Aid to Local Agricultural Fairs Program came into being in 1962, created by an act of the state General Assembly. The program is designed to promote local agricultural fairs through grants of state funds. The Kentucky commissioner of agriculture is in charge of the program, which is administered by KDA’s Division of Shows and Fairs.
  • Local Agricultural Fair State Aid Program - This grant is designed to promote local agricultural fairs through grants of state funds in these areas: Agricultural Premium Program, Horse Events Premium Program, and Harness Horse Racing Program.