KDA, UK Extension Partner for Limited Exhibit Delivery for 2018 Kentucky State Fair
Entries Must Be Dropped Off at Four Sites in Eastern and Western Kentucky
FRANKFORT (June 11, 2018) — Are you a state fair competitor who needs help getting your entries to the 2018 Kentucky State Fair (KSF)?
In a new partnership, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA), the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, and KSF are teaming up to deliver selected agriculture and non-ag general department exhibits. Fair entrants must meet the July 2 entry deadline and must contact regional drop-off locations by Aug. 1.
Entries must be delivered to one of four designated drop-off sites in eastern and western Kentucky from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. local time on Wednesday, Aug. 8.
Entry categories that qualify for drop-off include antiques, bees and honey, canned goods and preserves, egg show, field seed and grain, fine arts and crafts, fruits and nuts, hobbies, Kentucky country hams, plants and flowers, textiles, dry tobacco, and vegetables and melons.
Entries that do not qualify include baked goods, dairy products, homebrew beer, homemade wine, and other entries that are hard to handle or difficult to package for shipping.
Prior to being dropped off for pick-up, all entries must be packaged to meet traditional freight services requirements, must be labeled, and must contain the official KSF tag. All exhibitors must fill out an exhibit tracking sheet, designate if they would like to pick up their entries during release times, and sign a liability waiver form.
The four exhibit drop-off locations statewide, with contact names and phone numbers in parentheses, are:
• Christian County Extension Office, 2850 Pembroke Road in Hopkinsville (Jay Stone, 270-886-6328);
• Laurel County Extension Office, 200 County Extension Road in London (Glenn Williams, 606-864-4167);
• McCracken County Extension Office, 2025 New Holt Road in Paducah (Robert Tashjian, 270-554-9520); and
• Robinson Center, 176 Robinson Road in Quicksand (Jackie Allen, 606-666-2438, extension 291).
To verify your entries qualify for delivery, visit kystatefair.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/KSF-Entry-Delivery-Opportunity.pdf or call (502) 782-4114.