Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles joins Trump – Pence Regulatory Innovation Initiative
FRANKFORT, Ky. (July 24, 2020) – Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles has joined a Trump Administration task force focused on regulatory reform at every level of government. The Initiative on Regulatory Innovation includes more than 200 state and local leaders who advocate for deregulation and smarter regulation.
“I am honored to be asked by the Trump Administration to join the President’s Initiative on Regulatory Innovation,” Commissioner Quarles said. “Our farmers and small business owners know all too well how burdensome regulations can affect their bottom line and make their jobs more difficult. We need to make sure we are doing everything in our power to make their jobs easier and expand economic opportunity for American workers. I am grateful to the Administration for including me in these efforts to improve lives for all. ”
The Initiative on Regulatory Innovation is chaired by Vice President Mike Pence and has three goals:
- to cut regulations and costs;
- advance occupational licensing reform; and
- better align local, state, and federal regulations.
Since being elected to office in 2015, Commissioner Quarles has directed employees at the Kentucky Department of Agriculture to examine existing regulations and statues to eliminate out-of-date or unnecessary regulations. Those efforts include modernizing Kentucky’s regulations applicable to motor fuels, pesticides, and livestock health.
“As I begin my second term at the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, we plan to re-focus our efforts on clearing red tape and making it easier for Kentuckians to get the trainings they need for high-paying jobs,” Commissioner Quarles said. “I’m strong believer in education, and there are many certifications and trainings available for Kentuckians to pursue their own American dream. As part of my work through this Initiative, I hope to learn how other state and local leaders have increased economic opportunities in their communities and bring the best ideas to Kentucky.”