KDA To Resume Youth Livestock Shows With Public Health Guidelines
FRANKFORT, KY (June 3, 2020) – Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Ryan Quarles has announced the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) is issuing guidance to allow the operation of youth livestock shows near the end of this month. The guidelines are based in part on the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services’ guidelines for youth sports.
"Over the course of the last few months, many Kentucky families have seen time-honored agricultural events like youth livestock shows disrupted due to government orders during the coronavirus pandemic," Commissioner Quarles said. “For our part at the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, we believe we can put public health first and modify our youth livestock shows to allow students to participate in our great agricultural traditions. That’s why we are issuing new guidelines to operate KDA-managed youth livestock shows starting at the end of the month. While the events will look different than in years past, I ask for the public’s patience as we adapt to offer this opportunity for our young people.”
For each KDA-sponsored event, the department’s Division of Shows and Fairs will designate a KDA employee to serve as the event’s safety officer. He or she will work closely with the show’s event chairperson, KDA staff members, and the other adults present to ensure everyone adheres to social distancing and other safety measures.
The guidelines require coordination with local elected officials and health departments to develop guidelines for youth livestock shows. The guidelines are available for review here at the KDA’s coronavirus website, kyagr.com/covid19.
Click here for Guidance for Livestock Shows Shows & Fairs Division form.
For additional questions, please contact the KDA's Division of Shows and Fairs at (502) 782-4105.