Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell, fifth from right, and Jarrod Fritz, County Clerk of Fleming County, fifth from left, visit with Fleming County High School FFA and 4-H members to spread the word about the Ag Tag program. For more pictures of Ag Tag visits click here. (Kentucky Department of Agriculture)
Commissioner Shell visits with FFA, 4-H members to kick-off Ag Tag season
$10 donation benefits Kentucky agriculture youth
FRANKFORT (Feb. 26, 2024) - Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell is making rounds across the state as he visits with FFA members, 4-H members, and Kentucky County Clerks spreading the word about the Ag Tag Program.
“The future of agriculture starts with our youth,” Commissioner Shell said. “For years, people renewing their farm license plates have been given the opportunity to strengthen that future by donating to the Ag Tag fund. Through the years, millions have been donated and our youth are the ones benefiting.”
As he visits 4-H and FFA members at each county stop, Shell has the opportunity to go into detail about the benefits both programs receive from the funds generated by the donations to the Ag Tag program.
Every year, when owners renew their farm license plates, or “ag tags,” which depict the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Kentucky Proud logo, along with the 4-H and FFA emblems, they can make a $10 donation. That money goes into a fund divided equally among Kentucky 4-H, Kentucky FFA, and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) to support Kentucky’s agriculture youth and other organizations and programs benefiting Kentucky’s farm families.
Last year, donations to the Ag Tag program reached a record high of $735,815.88. From that total, each group received $245,271.96 to invest back into their communities for youth development and promotional programs.
KDA uses its share of the Ag Tag funds for various programs, such as the Ag Athlete of the Year scholarships, the Kentucky Leopold Conservation Award, Kentucky Women in Agriculture, and Kentucky Agriculture and Environment in the Classroom.
Half of the 4-H and FFA donations are returned to local councils and chapters, allowing leaders in those contributing communities to use the funds to cover the cost of 4-H and FFA camp and other leadership programs for youth. In the past, County 4-H councils have used Ag Tag dollars to provide 4-H camp scholarships and travel for life-changing, educational experiences to enable local 4-H youth to grow as leaders and engaged citizens. FFA chapters were free to use the money to meet the greatest needs in their community, such as FFA jackets for students in need or helping cover travel costs to leadership events.
“The unselfish willingness to help build and prepare Kentucky’s agriculture youth are predominant features of FFA and 4-H. They are two of the leading youth organizations in Kentucky and the nation. While they work to prepare youth to take on the challenges agriculture faces, KDA works every day to promote Kentucky’s farmers,” Commissioner Shell said. “This year’s Ag Tag campaign theme is ‘Elevating Leaders.’ Funding from your voluntary donations helps all three organizations fulfill our mission to sustain Kentucky agriculture for generations to come.”
In the weeks to come, Commissioner Shell invites those who are stopping by their county clerk’s office to renew their “Ag Tags,” to also make the $10 donation.