Commissioner Quarles announces annual poster, essay contest
'Kentucky Agriculture Sustains Me' theme reflects on importance of farmers
FRANKFORT (Nov. 18, 2021) – Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles invites Kentucky students to enter the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s (KDA) annual Poster and Essay Contest.
The theme of the 2022 contest is “Kentucky Agriculture Sustains Me,” encouraging contestants to reflect on the importance of Kentucky agriculture in their everyday lives.
“Without agriculture, we don’t exist. It’s that simple,” Commissioner Quarles said. “Every student knows they must eat to live, but many may not realize the importance of agricultural products to our everyday lives. This year’s contest is a nod to those who provide the products that sustain our very lives.”
Students in grades K-12 may submit a poster, an essay of 500 words or less, or a digital entry, which may be photos or original digital artwork. Each entry must include the actual written theme and be postmarked by Monday, March 7, 2022.
Winners will be notified by Friday, April 15, 2022. Winners in the poster and essay competitions will be selected in each grade. One statewide winner will be selected for digital artwork. Each winner will receive a $100 award from Kentucky Agriculture and Environment in the Classroom and will be recognized at the 2022 Poster and Essay Contest Awards Ceremony next year. Winning entries will be displayed in Commissioner Quarles’ Frankfort office and at the 2022 Kentucky State Fair in August in Louisville.
For more information, including complete contest rules and an entry form, go to https://www.kyagr.com/marketing/poster-essay-contest.html or contact Elizabeth Gordon, director of the KDA’s Education and Outreach Division, at Elizabeth.Gordon@ky.gov or (502) 782-4125.